
June 5, 2013

Crawfish Shells Harden Up… as Summer Heats Up!

  By Patrick D. Bonin   Branch, LA – Ever hear that old expression about needing to have “thick skin?” Crawfish in…

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June 1, 2013

Question & Answer: How Many Pounds of Crawfish do I Need?

By Patrick D. Bonin That’s a common question, but lots of variables play into providing a really good answer. Are you serving…

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May 28, 2013

Question & Answer: What’s the shelf life of fresh crawfish tail meat?

In your refrigerator or on ice, we would suggest 14 days. If you freeze it, the tail meat should be good for…

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Question & Answer: If the crawfish season starts early, will it end early?

Not necessarily. Many factors play a role in the wrap up of the crawfish harvest, including water quality and temperature. If we…

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Question & Answer: Why are some of the crawfish so dark?

Crawfish are just like people: each one is unique and different from the rest. Genetics can play a role in their pigmentation,…

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Question & Answer: Does your 80-quart pot fit onto the propane burner you have for sale?

It sure does! Pretty much any size pot suitable for boiling crawfish will fit on the burner….

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