Question & Answer: Your website says you FedEx orders, but I didn’t see anything that specifically says you deliver out of state. Do you?
May 28, 2013
Absolutely! We deliver live Louisiana crawfish to every state where it’s permissible to do so. Some states (Alaska, Hawaii, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Washington) currently prohibit live crawfish deliveries, so unfortunately, we can’t ship there. A permit is needed for Oregon. But any of the other contiguous U.S. states are eligible for awesome mudbugs!
We also can’t ship to places where the crawfish would have to go through customs because of the extra time involved. Live crawfish have a very limited shelf life, so if they sit in customs even one extra day without fresh ice, they might not reach their final destination alive. That’s a chance we can’t take, so we do not ship crawfish to other countries.