Reality On The Bayou: Rick Phillips, One of Our Own

When I moved here 30 years ago, Rick Phillips was among one of the first people that I met. They don’t come much nicer than him, and despite his success, he continues to still be down to earth. We at are excited for him, and look forward to seeing him go even further.

Louisiana continues to be a hot spot for reality shows.

by Annie Ourso

From the blatant, bushy, bearded boys of Monroe to the notorious “choot ‘em” motto of the Pierre Part swamps, Louisiana reality television, both ludicrous and heartwarming, proves that life in the Bayou State is incomparable to the rest of the world.

“People are so interested in it because it’s a way of life that’s been forgotten,” says Chase Landry, a cast member from “Swamp People” of Pierre Part. “You know, you turn on the TV, and most reality shows you hear about are on the West Coast or East Coast. It’s not even reality; it’s something thrown together. This show is all about our history and what we do. There is still an older way of life that’s being lived to this day.”

History Channel’s “Swamp People” is considered a veteran in the world of reality television in Louisiana. The alligator hunters debuted their show in August 2010 and are now in their fourth season. The episodes follow the day-to-day life of Cajuns, especially Landry and his family, as they wrangle alligators, among other critters, in the vast Atchafalaya Swamp.

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